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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Some very interesting facts that you ever heard before.

  1. To make a pound of honey ,bees need to visit more than  2 million flowers and fly around 50,000 miles. -So next time you eat honey do not forget how much  hard work is done by the little bees.
  2. Studies show that months of exposure to stress can permanently destroy neurons in your brain, which affect learning, reasoning, memory and impulse control. - Please do not take tension. 
  3. In a program known as "REDEMPTION THROUGH READING" , in Brazil prisons offer their prisoners the chance to reduce their prison sentence by up to 4 days for every book they read and write a report on. - Do this if you are ever jailed in Brazil 
  4. A study have found that people with creative minds tend to have a harder time to fall asleep at night. So they prefer to stay up late. - Show them this facts who ever ask why do you sleep so late.
  5. In Germany first aid training is mandatory in order to obtain a driving licence and every vehicle has to carry a first aid kit.  -Do not forget the First Aid wherever you are.
  6. Research shows that children who are going through a difficult time are more likely to confide in their pets than their siblings. -A pet knows all the secret.
  7. The grasshopper mice are carnivorous rodents that defend its territory by howling like a small fox. -
  8. The Ramsey Effect is a theory which asserts a correlations between the deaths of public figures and scoring of goals by Arsenal player Aaron Ramsey. His so called victims include Osama Bin Laden, Steve Jobs, Muammar Gaddafi, Whitney Houston, Paul Walker,Robin Williams and Richard Attenborough.
  9. James Randi a retired stage magician and scientific skeptic has agreed to pay $1,000,000 to any person who demonstrates any psychic, supernatural or paranormal ability. It remains unclaimed till now. - Do try if you have any psychic powers you may win a million Dollars$$$.
  10. Lego has an underground vault containing one copy of each Lego set ever made in history.
  11. "THE MUSEUM OF FAILED PRODUCTS" in Ann Arbor Michigan contains thousands of failed products that tanked the shelves within months of their release.
  12. Panthers are not real species of cats. They are jaguars in America and leopards in Asia and Africa who have melanism which is opposite of albinism.
  13. In the vast majority of the worlds languages the word for mother begins with letter M.  

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