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Saturday, January 23, 2016

The 25 most commonly used passwords in 2015 have been put together in the annual ‘Worst Passwords’ list.
It is compiled from 3.3 million leaked passwords during the year by web security firm Splashdata.
And for the fifth year in a row, ‘123456’ is the most used password, which is not only extremely unoriginal but goes to show that digital data protection, from personal emails to bank details, is not up to the standard it should be.
Among boring combinations of letters and numbers, and obvious keyboard layouts such as ‘qwerty’, words such as ‘baseball’ and ‘football’ have made the list yet again.
‘Starwars’ came in as the 25th most commonly used password following the hype surrounding the latest film release in December 2015.
Being the most commonly used passwords makes them the weakest, therefore the worst, beacause they’re too easy for others to guess and hackers to abuse.
If your password is on the list, we suggest swiftly changing it and trying to be a little more imaginative next time.
1. 123456
2. password
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. 12345
6. 123456789
7. football
8. 1234
9. 1234567
10. baseball
11. welcome
12. 1234567890
13. abc123
14. 111111
15. 1qaz2wsx
16. dragon
17. master
18. monkey
19. letmein
20. login
21. princess
22. qwertyuiop
23. solo
24. passw0rd
25. starwars
Keep your account secure by intruders..

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